The Company is very respectful about the privacy concerns of the visitors to this site on the Internet. As a
general policy, no personal information is automatically collected from visitors to this site. However,
non-personal information of visitors is recorded by the standard operation of the Company’s Internet
This information is primarily used to provide an enhanced online experience for the visitor. Information
includes the type of browser being used by the visitor (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer), the type
operating system (e.g., Macintosh, Windows) in use by the visitor and the domain name of the visitor’s
service provider (e.g., Verizon, ATT&T). By having this information, Web pages optimized for a particular
visitor’s computer is automatically available to that visitor. Other uses of this information include
review of the number of visitors to the site but only in an aggregate and non-personally-identifiable form.
Other personally identifiable data about visitors to this site are known to the Company only when
Personally identifiable information that is collected in connection with visitors
voluntarily filling
out forms is retained by the Company and the member to whom the visitor is referred and is not sold or
transferred outside the company. However, this data in an aggregate form may be provided to other parties
marketing, advertising or other uses. We may sometimes also use email addresses and other personally
identifiable information to contact visitors who communicate with us. For example, we direct email to
who provide us with their email addresses for specific purposes such as being notified if they have won one
our contests.
Nifty Marketing, LLC,, the monitor symbol within our logo, “Point. Click. Launch.” and
Nifty Marketing, LLC designs, logos and product and service names are trademarks of Nifty Marketing, LLC.
(“Nifty Marketing, LLC Marks”). The “look and feel” of the Service constitutes proprietary trade dress of
Company. All rights reserved.
You may not reproduce, copy, display, transmit, distribute, modify or
use the Nifty Marketing LLC Marks without the express prior written permission of the Company. All other
trademarks appearing on the Service are the property of their respective owners.